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Motorcentral DMS Integration
We are happy to announce that Dealers can now list their cars, bikes, boats, motorhomes, etc. on AutoFair directly from the Motorcentral DMS platform as Sales Ads, Wanted Ads or Rental Ads on the fly by following the Five simple steps outlined below.

Step 1 - Sign Up As A Dealer

Sign up as a Dealer for free by clicking the button below or just login if you have already signed up with Auto Insiders.

*Note: You need to verify your email address when signing up and must be logged in for the next steps.

Sign Up Now For Free

Step 2 - Subscribe or Buy A Credits Package

You can obtain Credits in order to activate Motorcentral FTP connection and to import vehicles to AutoFair, either by purchasing Credits Packages or subscribing to one of our Monthly Subscription Packages. Currently we are offering a 4 Months Trial Offer (Up to 90% off) on the Subscription Packages exclusive for Dealers who wish to integrate Motorcentral DMS with our FTP Import Services. All these packages are obligation free for you to try out our services in order to experience how easy it is to import vehicles into AutoFair, and you are not locked into any contracts.

Buy Credits
Subscribe Now

Step 3 - Activate Motorcentral FTP

Now that you have enough Credits in your account, you can Activate the Motorcentral FTP Connection by visiting the Motorcentral Settings ('My Account' > 'Motorcentral') page inside Dealers Portal. Click on the 'Activate FTP' button and click 'Ok' in order to deduct Credits and activate the FTP Connection.

Activate Motorcentral FTP

Step 4 - Export From Motorcentral DMS

After you have activated the Motorcentral FTP Connection, go to Motorcentral website and download the latest version of the DMS (Ver 3.2.1 and above). Install the new version, and click Tools > Extensions... > Listing Agent > Auto Insiders > Settings and turn 'On' as shown below in order to enable the Auto Insiders Extenstion.

Motorcentral DMS FTP Connection Settings
The Motorcentral Settings page inside your Auto Insiders Dealers account, will show you the connection details such as FTP Server, FTP Username and FTP Password. These settings are unique to your Dealers account and must be kept securely. Enter these settings into the Motorcentral DMS software by visiting the Export tab, and click the Auto Insiders button, and then select the tab Admin.

Motorcentral DMS FTP Connection Settings

Step 5 - Import Into AutoFair

When the export is finished, you can manage all your exports by going to the 'My Ads' > 'Manage Imports' page in your Dealers account.

Motorcentral Manage Imports

If you have completed all the above steps, then proceed with,

Manage Imports
Manage Ads

*Note: If you need any help regarding the FTP Connection setup or Import procedure, please contact us at our dedicated Dealer Support Line +64-21-08748037 or use the support Contact Form.